It’s Time to Celebrate! Your Target Market is Shrinking!

Have I lost my mind? Celebrate? Yes! What I really mean is, let’s celebrate that the world is getting smaller and smaller due to technology. Are you with me now? We now have all sorts of tools available to us to either give value to clients via webinars or give the...

Should You Allow Clients to Record Your Presentation?

Have you noticed that many times when you go to give a presentation or consult the client wants to film it? It’s happening more and more. What to do? You are in an intellectual property business, and you must do whatever you have to do to protect your ownership of...

Do You Struggle to Successfully Sell Yourself?

“I can sell anything to anyone, but I am just uncomfortable and find it hard to sell myself!” My initial response? Get into another line of work. And I’m only half kidding. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m merely a realist. In order to get speaking gigs, you are the one...